Even as I listen to Bella bellowing upstairs as she wrestles with sleep, I know life is good. Have you ever taken the time to write out a Gratitude List? That's when you just write all the things you are thankful for in life one after the other. It's a great tool to help you get out of any funk you're in. Well, I'm not in any funk, but these past days have just felt like one ongoing gratitude list. Not that there haven't been clouds in the sky, but man, overall, things have just been great over here.

Ready for a morning at the park. Photo by Ali
Bella is as big and strong as an ox. She is standing up assisted by mommy or me and loving it! We were so worried the left foot and leg would be problematic when it came time to tackle standing, but it's been quite the contrary. In fact, her left leg is currently entirely closed (knee/shin/ankle/foot) and she feels quite comfortable putting her weight on that foot! We usually put a johnson and johnson disposable breast pad under the right heel to help prevent trauma to the left leg, but it's messing with her ability to bear weight on that leg, so we're gonna drop the breast pad and see what happens. We still wrap both lower legs as a protective measure, but currently they are both wound free!
I can't tell... did it work? You take it...
Oooh ooh ooh, it gets better! Bella has successfully returned to the bathtub! WEEEEE! I don't know if you remember back to when we first tried to give Bella a bath. She kicked a big hole in her left leg at 6 weeks old. We've been giving her sponge baths ever since, just procrastinating until the last possible minute before trying THAT again. Well, bless Ang's heart, she bought an inflatable bath, just like the one we used for Ali, and a special foam base and marched in with Ali in support and DID IT! TWICE! We are two for two with successful baths! We take all of Bella's bandages off except for the left leg. We just let that soak. The skin is sooooo fragile still on that lower leg and foot, we don't want to leave anything to chance.
It should be noted that Ali has become quite the little helper around the house. She has kicked into a new gear of sweet and adorable in the past week. We are so thankful for this, because she went through quite a period of acting up and pure defiance. Now, she INSISTS on helping feed Bella, bathe Bella, MOP THE FLOORS! I know - I know, it's amazing. All this and she doesn't turn 4 for 3 more weeks! She's a saint. She just loves her baby sister SOOO much, and Bella simply IDOLIZES Ali. You should hear Bella CRACK UP when Ali goes up or down the stairs in front of Bella and me. It is the cutest sound on the planet, particularly since she is so fat, her laughs are HEARTY! LOL.

Oooh ooh ooh, it gets better! Bella has successfully returned to the bathtub! WEEEEE! I don't know if you remember back to when we first tried to give Bella a bath. She kicked a big hole in her left leg at 6 weeks old. We've been giving her sponge baths ever since, just procrastinating until the last possible minute before trying THAT again. Well, bless Ang's heart, she bought an inflatable bath, just like the one we used for Ali, and a special foam base and marched in with Ali in support and DID IT! TWICE! We are two for two with successful baths! We take all of Bella's bandages off except for the left leg. We just let that soak. The skin is sooooo fragile still on that lower leg and foot, we don't want to leave anything to chance.
It should be noted that Ali has become quite the little helper around the house. She has kicked into a new gear of sweet and adorable in the past week. We are so thankful for this, because she went through quite a period of acting up and pure defiance. Now, she INSISTS on helping feed Bella, bathe Bella, MOP THE FLOORS! I know - I know, it's amazing. All this and she doesn't turn 4 for 3 more weeks! She's a saint. She just loves her baby sister SOOO much, and Bella simply IDOLIZES Ali. You should hear Bella CRACK UP when Ali goes up or down the stairs in front of Bella and me. It is the cutest sound on the planet, particularly since she is so fat, her laughs are HEARTY! LOL.
This is what happened when Ali realized she could take her own picture...
In other news, we are excited to announce our FEATURED PARTNER for the Month of April... this Thursday on April 1st! In the mean time, PLEASE purchase a copy of Bella's book so that we can send the biggest check possible to PUCK for all the great work they are doing getting established up at U of M and in Minneapolis. I have been grinding away on a marketing packet to submit to my agent, so I have read and re-read the book twice in the past 2 weeks myself. I am present to the unbelievable outpouring of support that occurred during those first 3 months. I am also present to the GIFT that Faith is. Man, if we didn't have faith that something wonderful couldn't come out of all this...whew. I just don't think we'd still be walking. It was/is stressful enough, but the hope that we carry each and every day that this entire journey will actually be the source of WAY MORE INSPIRATION AND HEALING than suffering... well, that keeps us going.
Thanks so much for being here and walking this most unusual path with us. This disease is so bizarre. It's hard to fathom even for us, and we deal with it day in and day out. We are just so grateful we don't have to walk alone.
Peace, love, and gratitude,
In other news, we are excited to announce our FEATURED PARTNER for the Month of April... this Thursday on April 1st! In the mean time, PLEASE purchase a copy of Bella's book so that we can send the biggest check possible to PUCK for all the great work they are doing getting established up at U of M and in Minneapolis. I have been grinding away on a marketing packet to submit to my agent, so I have read and re-read the book twice in the past 2 weeks myself. I am present to the unbelievable outpouring of support that occurred during those first 3 months. I am also present to the GIFT that Faith is. Man, if we didn't have faith that something wonderful couldn't come out of all this...whew. I just don't think we'd still be walking. It was/is stressful enough, but the hope that we carry each and every day that this entire journey will actually be the source of WAY MORE INSPIRATION AND HEALING than suffering... well, that keeps us going.
Thanks so much for being here and walking this most unusual path with us. This disease is so bizarre. It's hard to fathom even for us, and we deal with it day in and day out. We are just so grateful we don't have to walk alone.
Peace, love, and gratitude,