Well, one way NOT to start the week is getting home from the emergency room after midnight on Sunday night with 6 stitches in your youngest's forehead! LOL. Oops. Just did that.
If I hadn't bought him the replica Chattanooga Choo Choo that just happened to be made out of DIE CAST METAL...
... it would have been something else, right? hahaha.
Seriously, though. Julian took a header off our bed last night while we were in the room and managed to land exactly on his FACE on his choo choo and slice his little eyebrow. R-i-g-h-t before bed, too. Kids in their pj's... the whole bit. As soon as I saw the wound, I knew we were headed to the emergency room for a few stitches. That part above your eyebrow is just stretched too tight to heal on its own without scarring and re-opening again and again... Now he'll have a story to tell the ladies...
Luckily, our local children's hospital, CHOC (Children's Hospital Orange County) has a brand new emergency room, and when you visit it (by the time we got there) at 9:30pm on a Sunday night, it's almost allllll yours. It is totally state of the art and pristine, and I said luckily, because it wasn't ANYWHERE we ever were with Bella, so it helped play down any extra unwanted flashbacks.
Books, ipad, stuffed animal, and milk in hand, we marched in and were taken care of wonderfully by the staff. They couldn't have been sweeter. Julian was a trooper, and Ali was a champ. His biggest pet peeve was the pulse-ox probe they stuck to his big toe. The nurse then put his sock back on as if he wouldn't notice, but he wasn't having any of it. They had to give him some versed to help mellow him out, and I am still convinced that he wouldn't have needed it if they didn't put the probe on his foot, but kids are just so much FUN on versed, that we were like, "alright!" Seriously. Ask any parent whose kid's been on versed, it makes them a comedian.
Julian heard his birth song sung repeatedly while they put the stitches in, and the Child Life Specialist, Lauren, held an ipad over head so Julian could watch Thomas the Train episodes on YouTube. Good teamwork!
Yes, there were some flashbacks for all of us, but it wasn't too bad. Mainly, we just knew that nothing was serious since he showed no signs of neurological damage from the fall. As Monty Python would say, "It's only a flesh wound, come on!" :-)
Meanwhile, Ali is continuing to film art lessons with my camera. She wants to have a whole series of online art lessons on her blog. Got some editing to do!
P.S. sidewalk chalk is fun... and messy!
P.P.S. Watching your wife and daughter share a lemonade is always cool.
God night.