Figured you should get the many faces of Julian straight outta the gate...
It's been a pretty amazing 10 days.
Julian was born
Ali started school, and Ang was home in time to see her off on her first day
My music therapy program received another large investment in pilot funding
P.U.C.K. received a $5,000 luncheon as a gift
For giving up my birthday, friends and family donated $645.39 to P.U.C.K.
I got to see my mom for a week
P.U.C.K. was mentioned in our local newspaper
Ali and Ang baked me the chocolatiest chocolate cake EVER
Now, September begins. September promises to be as eventful as the past 10 days. Life is good.
I have to tell you about last night, though.
Several months ago, an email landed in my inbox from our dear friend Sara Cooper (always at the heart of it all, that Sara). It was a link to a story about a local restauranteur who is also a huge philanthropist. He was going to give away 12 luncheons at his restaurant / banquet facility in 2012 to 12 local charities. Charities had to write an application letter explaining who they are, what they do, and who they serve, and the 12 winners would be announced at a cocktail reception at the restaurant on - of all days - August 31.
Ang mentioned, "Hey, doesn't hurt to at least apply." That seemed fair enough, so I put together a one page letter with photos and simply told our and P.U.C.K.'s stories and submitted it by the deadline. I received a confirmation that we were in the running for one of the 12 spots, but we had to be present to win (life lesson here - half the battle is simply showing up). So, last night, after having a yummy early dinner and cake, I took my mom to the Anaheim White House for this reception.
Ali was NOT pleased with me. She looked up at me with a broken look, "Daddy? Why do you have to go? Please don't go, daddy! Please?"
That was a d-r-a-g.
Nevertheless, off we went.
The event was pandemonium. 232 charities applied for these 12 luncheons, and by the looks of it, just about all were in attendance! It was a mad house. Given that each entrant was allowed to bring a guest, there were well over 400 people crammed in the front lawn and "West Wing Banquet Hall" in the front lawn of this old house-turned-top tier restaurant.
Let me tell you briefly about the owner of this restaurant. His name is Bruno Serato. Each night for the past 6 years, Bruno has fed pasta to roughly 350 homeless kids a night in Anaheim. To date, he has personally fed over a quarter of a million meals to kids in need. CNN listed him as one of the Top 20 Heroes in the World in 2011. The only Italian to make the list, he is regarded a national hero back home where he was born. Click here to read CNN's story on him.
Before announcing the winners, Bruno mentioned that after reading all the letters, he couldn't pick just 12. So, he decided, instead of once a month, this offer would be once a week. For 50 weeks in 2012, he was going to give away a luncheon every single Wednesday except for the 2 weeks at Christmas. The luncheons are worth $5,295 each.
Folks, that's over $250,000 worth of luncheons. Then, he mentioned that only 50 didn't cover all the charities he wanted to help, so he repeated the offer for 2013... he'd give away 50 luncheons in 2013... then he did it again for 2014... THEN he did it again for 2015. NOT 12 luncheons... 200. That is over a million dollars worth of food, beverage and rental he will give away over the next 4 years.
That, my friends, took generosity into a completely new realm for me, and I'm sure for every single person in attendance last night. By doing what he did, he SCHOOLED all of us watching, hereby challenging our own generosity. He simply said, "My GM thinks I'm crazy, my assistant thinks I'm crazy, but I know God will take care of me."
Out of the 232 charities, that applied, P.U.C.K. was announced as the SECOND recipient of this award. I just happened to be standing right in front of Bruno with my mom when he started his speech, and so there I was, point blank front and center to see and hear him read off, "and the second luncheon, January 11, 2012, goes to Pioneering Unique Cures for Kids."
I took the two steps forward with my hand over my mouth, and took into my possession a personalized folder with everything we needed to know. I then turned around, hugged my mom, and started crying.
The photographer at the event caught the whole thing on camera, and sent me the pics today!

What a birthday present!
Now, who knows if being called out second has any real relevance to anything, but it sure felt pretty dramatic. Most importantly, we have been given an absolute GIFT to help us 1) continue to raise money for Dr. Wagner and Dr. Tolar in Minnesota, and 2) have a really nice event in Orange County at one of the most upscale restaurants in the OC to expand our exposure out here. The challenge? The event is in 4 months! Ack! We have some work to do! LOL.

I'll take this kind of work any day. We get to work hard for EB kids, and be the recipient of charity for charity from a man who has dedicated his life to children as well. We are blessed to be in his company.
Thank you all again for your ongoing support of my family as we ride this roller coaster of life. You have given so much to us and our cause. We are all doing this together. We are curing EB together. We are providing hope together. We are healing our grief together. We are learning life's lessons together. We are a community. Who knows how or why we all got here, but here we are. As a group, united through technology, we are building, not destroying. We are loving, not hating. We are nurturing, not hurting. We are a force for good, all of us. Thank you - each and every one of you - for being a part of this journey. It simply wouldn't be the same without you.
God night.
Well done!! It's nice to know that there are people like Mr Serato, Sara, Ang and you in this world.
Aww I'm crying too. That is so awesome. SOOOOOOO awesome. So glad your momma could be there with you. Great pics.
ReplyDeleteJulian- adorable!
Amazing...simply amazing. If there is any way I can help long distance...let me know.
ReplyDeleteDid you see my post on your FB wall? If not check it out.
Sending my love to all and sweet kisses for Ali and Julian.
Denise WI
Wow, I got a little teary eyed myself. Congrats for coming in second. I really thought you would be first, in my book, you are.
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures of Julian. He is adorable, enjoy that little boy. Glad you had a memorable birthday and give my best to your wonderful wife and daughter. Love and Peace Leah & Tabby's Nana
Denise took the words right out of my mouth: simply amazing!
ReplyDeleteI am not sure if I should read your blog while pregnant because every post brings me to tears, LOL. (Just kidding... I have to keep reading!)
Julian is so sweet and precious.
Amazing...I am simply speechless.
ReplyDeleteI have been a reader of your blog for sometime. I first found it through Patrice Williams. Your ability to share pain, joy and hope in the midst of loss is a great gift. God is using you in so many ways through your music, your writing and your leadership. I am writing today because I was struck with God's web of connections among people. I was born at St. Joseph's in Orange, grew up in Santa Ana, and my sister is close friends Bruno. She has shared with me his amazing ministry of feeding children and his generous spirit. And now you are part of his web of blessings. Thank you for reminding of the good news that is around us every day.
ReplyDeleteCynthia (pastor now in New Jersey)
Your blog continues to inspire me on a weekly basis! Your family is awesome! Julian is such a peaceful looking little man! So adorable! Although Bella was probably in some sort of pain in the picture above, she too looks so peaceful. She really was an sweet little angel!
ReplyDeleteI was so happy to see that you won the luncheon! That is wonderful news!
I received my CHOC WALK email as I started writing this comment! I hope to see your beautiful family there this year! :) It would be an honor to walk in Bella's name again! <3
Shaddai Hernandez
Wow, Tim! You amaze me more and more each time I read your blog. I had chills the entire time reading this. You and your family deserve this, as does all the kids you'll be supporting with the fund! Congratulations on your continued effort and forever putting what matters in life first. Bella is so lucky to have a daddy like you. :)
ReplyDeleteAll our love,
Brianna and Teren
YAY YAY YAY!!!!! That is such great news, and what a great way to spend your birthday! Happy belated one, by the way- sorry I didn't get on to post on your actual birthday.
ReplyDeletePraying for you and your sweet family (LOVE those Julian faces!!) I know the January luncheon will be a huge success!!
Love from TX,
Laura (for Team A)
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post to read. Full of blessings. I cried reading you are #2. I think it has significance.
I take it back. You do have a child that looks like his parent. These latest pictures of Julian look so much like Ang.
ReplyDeleteWhat a week! I loved being with you, Ang, Ali, and welcoming Julian. Holding him is pure delight.Momma is keeping him well nurished and content.
With family so scattered, I do cherish the times we get together. I was happy to also visit with Grandma Carolyn, Steve, Dina, Wil and Molly. Although I did cook up a storm, I appreciated Dina's starting us off with 3 delicious meals.
Since I have always loved swimming, it was fun having pool time with Ali--especially seeing her swim like a fish.
How inspiring to have been with you at Bruno's White House. He is a true hero, not only for all he does, but for supporting so many others in their charitable works. He's touching so many lives with his love and generosity. I'm grateful to have been with you when you received the award for PUCK.
That is such an awesome post!
ReplyDeleteTo quote a friend of mine..."God is Great. All the time. No matter what!"