Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1, 2011: The Rest of the Story...


Sorry I am late posting.  It is Friday morning, and I am neck deep into our music therapy conference.  Off to a GREAT start.  Haven't seen most of my colleagues since Bella died, and the hugs and conversations have had that extra quality of love and support, both sharing in the grief, but also in the joy of it ALL.

So... sometime in early January, I was doing the dishes after dinner when Bella started talking to me.  That was a little unusual since Bella wasn't old enough to talk in life, so it wasn't like I heard a familiar voice... I felt a familiar presence.  It was that divine Bella, the one I've written about so many times before.

Here is what she said:

Hi daddy.  I know you are worried about the new baby, but I feel I have some explaining to do.  You see, there is a soul up here in heaven that wants to come down to Earth and do GREAT things, but she wants to come with EB, then be healed by it specifically first.  I didn't want to see her wait such a long time up here, so I thought I would help out.  So, I kind of 'jumped in line' when you and mommy wanted a new baby, because I knew that if I came through you, and we went through EXACTLY what we went through together, YOU would speed up that process for that cure, and my friend up here wouldn't have to wait so long to realize her vision.  Sorry about that!  What I really want you to know, though, is that this new baby is the second baby you were intended to have all along, and the baby will NOT have EB.  I hope you don't mind..."

Angelique and I had such a strong feeling that our second child was going to be a boy, that when the ultrasound came back and it was a girl, we were completely shocked.  It was as if something was out of place.  So much so that Ang actually packed a pair of boy clothes for Bella's delivery date just in case.

Julian, your big sister cut in line.  I hear big sisters have the right to do that from time to time.

God day.


  1. BRILLANT post....sounds just like a big sister.
    I Just loved reading this....

  2. just like a big sister,watching out for others..bella is a WONDERFUL big sister

  3. If you want to help raise money to find a cure for EB, I am hosting an online auction this month with items exclusively from Germany (where I live currently). Shipping is included in the worth of the item. Please stop by and bid, all proceeds will go to PUCK in honor of Bella Ringgold.

    Laura V.

  4. This is so lovely...
    I shared with Sara in one of our many discussions on your awesome family that I had both dreams and visions CLEARLY telling me that you were having a boy free of EB. I just felt it. And honestly, every time I had that dream or vision, my sister-in-law (who resides in heaven with Bella) was the face that was telling me! She has saved me and talked with me many times since she passed on at the age of 14 and I listen for her all the time. God bless you all! We strongly support all of your dreams, wishes, beliefs and goals with $ when we have it and prayers always when we are out of $. I continue to share your story with so many people and always encourage them to seek you out through my blog and so many have. Isn't God wonderful with the way He wants us to see Him in others?!:) Kisses to your lovely wife, sweet Ali, and the baby in the belly.
    Shalimar, David, Salvatore and Valentina Licona

  5. i also felt a little girl's presence when i was pregnant with my boy. she kept telling me "we'll be ok." turns out i was carrying twins and lost one. i didn't know until i delivered 2 placentas. i can only assume the little girl was my son's twin sister/my daughter telling me that he was healthy and she was fine too.
    reading your post tonight brought me back to those moments when i felt her and how much i treasure 'seeing' her.
    so glad to hear Julian is healthy and eb-free. love to your family,
    Kim Okamura

  6. Oh, those sweet Bella eyes. I never got to meet her and I miss her. I KNOW you do too - what a precious angel!

    Thank you for sharing your/Bella's hearts with us! Hope you have a wonderful weekend - love to all of you!

    Love from TX,
    Laura (for Team A)

  7. I've been following your blog for quite a while now, ever since my wife Laura mentioned it to me. She's hosting an online auction to raise money for PUCK, to help find a cure for EB. She seemed to have some difficulties getting her comment to show up last night, so here is the info again:

    We've got some cool stuff from Germany that's hard to get in the U.S. so please take a look, place a bid, and help find a cure for EB.

    Thank you,

    Thomas Schmidt

  8. What a beautiful story! Bella is so wise! You can see it in her eyes! Thank you for sharing!
    Karen in Ohio

  9. Sounds like God wasn't the only one with a plan, lol! What a blessing Bella is! She is truly an Angel come to earth.

    I'm still checking the blog, but not as often right now. I've been trying to get my real estate license, and I have until May 1 until a certain benefit runs out. Also lost our insurance since my Hubby started his real estate business, and looking for a reasonable replacement for the fam. Taxes loom...been a little hectic around here, lol!

    BUT, you and your family are on my mind every day, and in my prayers every night. Many blessings, may you all stay healthy and happy! Can't wait to meet Julian in August! :)

  10. Hi Tim: Still here reading the updates. What a great story about Bella cutting in line. I know how hard it has been for you guys, but Keep the Faith and wait until August. I am so thrilled that your little boy is EB free. God Is Good.
    Leah's little sister is EB free too. Thank God! I will continue the prayers for your beautiful family. Give Angelique my best. Kiss Ali and hang in there. Love and Hugs Leah's Nana

  11. I love the story. Made my eyes "water" :)
    We love Bella and you guys!!
