It's 9pm PST on Thursday night, and I am holding the last vapors of gas together to write this post, and then, I shall CRASH. 4 hours of sleep this morning after a day like no other, then, boom, get this kids off to school and child care, get to work... you know, back to it. I apologize in advance if this meanders. I wish I had more energy to compose this post 'better,' because I want to do the day (yesterday) justice. Again, I'll do my best here, but please bear with me.
Unfortunately or fortunately, I've been to a lot of funerals in my time, and many - many - of them were when I was much younger, so the tenor of the day was not new to me, except in one MAJOR way.
We had Bella cremated, and in doing so, brought her with us in an urn to the memorials and back home to CA.
Yesterday, I saw the toughest image I've faced yet at any funeral... that small, tiny little coffin.
Ugh. No lie, that image will forever be burned in my mind and heart. So. Small.
Okay, let me do my best to take you through the setting and flow of events to 'get you there' as best I can.
The visitation and funeral mass were at this big, beautiful, airy, Catholic church in Courtney's town of Ponchatoula, LA. I knew visitation began at 10, so I made it a point to get up there right at 10, so I could spend as much of my day supporting Courtney and her family as I could. I also just wasn't sure how much bigger this whole thing was than what I can grasp from out here in California. Sure enough, the entire parking lot was already full at 10.

A beautiful, open air vestibule/narthex/foyer greeted visitors through the main doors, and within this space, framed collages and various photos of Tripp hung on easels and tables. Once inside the sanctuary, a slide show ran to the left, and down at the bottom of the main aisle, Courtney stood by herself, with her mom, Tripp's dad, and his mom standing to the right of the tiny casket.
I was immediately greeted by Courntey's aunt Linda, who couldn't have been sweeter. We met her when we passed through town after Bella died. I got in line, an paid my respects to Courtney, her mom, Randy, his mom, and Tripp. I saw Sam, Chloe and Marybeth Sheridan as well, Sam was one of the first 7 kids to go through BMT. They live in Tennessee now and drove down.
(sorry, it is now 6 am on Friday, I feel asleep at the computer last night typing this. I'm really sorry for the delay - I know you wanted to hear how the day was, but this is gonna get abbreviated a little)
I also got to meet the amazing Delgados, Vanessa and her husband Jason. They are simply a bundle of joy and love.
I also got to reconnect with Patrice Williams, which just felt extra special. That was wonderful. I love and admire and am inspired deeply by Patrice, so to spend time together, eat together, and worship together was a privilege in and of itself.
I finally got to meet and spend time with the amazing crusader Christie Zink as well. Christie is a woman on a mission to cure EB, and it was great to finally share hug.
In addition, I (like Patrice and Courtney) had so many people come up and introduce themselves and say, "You don't know me but I feel like I know you..." Our blogs have introduced so many to EB, and people took the time to say thanks for the difference that writing and sharing has made. That was really sweet. I just felt so proud to be Bella's daddy. We started this thing right after she was born to get out information on how she was doing efficiently, but it quickly shifted from just information to inspiration... and it was and still is a two-way street. Thanks for still being here. It inspires us to keep fighting for a cure.
From 10 am till about 12:30 or so, the visitation line stretched from the altar all the way out to the vestibule. I saw entire sports teams in their high school jackets there... they closed the Catholic school on the property for the day because the church knew how big a celebration of Tripp's life this was going to be.
When it came time for the funeral mass, I would guess that there were 700 people in the church easily.
There is so much more to share, and I have to get in the shower and get the kids up... the day is upon us. I will continue from here.
God day.
Thank you for sharing. You make something so sad sound so beautiful...simply in the way you describe the atmosphere. You certainly have a way with words. I have never commented before, but I love following your blog. I never have a dry eye...which for the record, is not helpful on an iPad for anyone curious. Tears dropping on the screen make the page jump around!
ReplyDeleteI have followed Bella, Tripp and Jonah's stories for a long time now. I don't comment often, but I always read the posts. Thank you for sharing. My heart aches for Courtney in a way I can't even begin to describe, except for I felt the same thing when Bella passed. My thoughts and prayers are with you all daily.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for "taking us there" with you. We have been "praying in place" since we couldn't travel to Tripp's services, and we've been anxious to know how things went.
It is wonderful that there was so much support for Courtney and her family!! Didn't expect anything less, given the tremendous impact they have had on so many. We're glad EB families could be there to support Courtney - hope you don't mind, but you're representing a whole bunch of us!!
Our prayers continue - for Tripp and Courtney and their families. For all EB families. And for a CURE.
Adrienne Provost
EB family from Palatine, IL
thanks for this... I was wondering how everybody was doing. How the day went.
ReplyDeleteWelcome home Tim. Thank you so much for getting info on your trip up as fast as possible. That is VERY considerate of you. You knew there were many of us in the EB blog community that are mourning with the EB parents and could not be there in person.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you and Patrice were able to be there for Tripp's family. I do believe the three of you (and your families!!!) have the power to raise EB awareness and the MONEY to cure EB. I hope you are able to put your heads together and maybe jointly write a post to request money in memory of Bella, Elle and Tripp and in honor of Jonah and all the others still fighting.
I was thinking last night about the times you have been able to "ask" and get what you need (what you've written in your entries).
Ask. Again.
The parents of EB children are inspirational in their faith, dedication and honesty.
(You don't have to ask me....check to PUCK is on it's way.)
Hope you can get some rest this weekend!
Thank you so much for sharing! I have been following Tripp for over a year now and was thinking and praying for Courtney on Wednesday from St. Louis, Mo. I am so glad to hear there were so many people there! I'm not surprised but I just get chills knowning Courtney had so much support! Looking forward to hearing more. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteAnd I can't find the address to send the check to for PUCK.....just the credit card. Can you give me an address to send a check?
Just visited the PUCK site. VERY nice!! So clear, informative, personal, direct, professional with the touch of passion needed.
Praying for little Tripp and his family.
ReplyDeleteHow nice that you could go.
Bella is looking at us in that picture ...
Lots of love,
I love this picture of you and Bella. I'm so glad you went. Thanks for the tour of the day. I appreciate it!
ReplyDeleteThere is just something about the way you speak and the way you write...I believe Patrice described it as "healing" and I think that really describes it quite well. I often times find myself going back to particular posts because of the sense of comfort I receive from them. You are such an incredible source of inspiration for so many and it was such a honor to finally be able to meet you. I cannot tell you what it means to me to be a part of this, to be a voice for these amazingly courageous kids. I am so grateful for parents like you, Patrice and Courtney who have shared your children with us so that we can grow in compassion; so that we may have a change in perspective that will inspire us to be part of something that is bigger than we are. Thank you so much...I am looking forward to part 2!
ReplyDeleteThat is beautiful ! Thank you for taking the time to share. I'm so sorry that any person should have to suffer. I sincerely hope & pray for a cure.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for a real glimpse of the day. I imagine there are thousands of blog followers like me who felt like they should be there, and so WANTED to be there and simply couldn't. Like so many have said, I DO feel like I know all of you and your families. I found Jonah when he was born through the friend of a friend, as I am originally from the same area he lives in, and have been drawn in to all your lives. Y'all are the only blogs I follow (except for The Pioneer Woman, chef extrordinaire), and I follow the ups and downs of your family, the Edlings, the Williams', and the Roths. Also now following Quinn, and praying that she does well. What I find so special about all of these families is that you are ALL strong Christians. All of you speak so strongly and clearly to your faith, and the witness that all of you provide is inspirational to so many. Thank you for putting it out there for all to see. It does more than any of you know. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing! Heartfelt sorrow for all of those like yourself that have lost a child. It deeply saddens me that children are dying of this horrible disease & there is no cure yet.
ReplyDeleteTim, I have goosebumps reading this and I was there. To read your recollections of the day, just brought me right back to that day. I was one of the ones that hugged you and said.. you don't know me but... Thank you so much for being there. Thank you for sharing Bella with us. I am forever changed because of her and Tripp and all the other EB babies. Today, my 4 year old, said, mommy, I don't want Tripp to be in heaven anymore. I want him to come back here. So hard to explain to a 4 year old what is so hard for us to comprehend at times. I told her Tripp had to stay in heaven because that is where Bella is and they get to play together all the time now. That brings me comfort!
ReplyDeleteSharee Wells
Ponchatoula, LA
I've never seen that picture of her before. She is so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteSo great you could be there to support Courtney. God bless you all!
Thank you so much for sharing a snapshot of the day. So many blog followers probably felt as I did- like they so wished they could be there to give Courtney a hug and let her know personally how much she and Tripp mean to us. I have followed Jonah since he was born, through the friend of a friend of a friend who passed on prayer requests (I am from the same area), and through Patrice's blog, have come to follow y'all, the Edlings, Courtney, and now Quinn. What I find so amazing is that EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU are strong Christians and shout it to the rooftops every day. Clearly, God is putting these challenges in front of parents that he knows will rise to it while held aloft by faith. Thanks and kudos to all of you for putting it out there- the good, the bad, and the ugly reality of EB. And all of you keep it SO real. Your transparency is simply lovely and amazing to see. Every one of you has been so open and honest about your challenges and struggles with holding onto your faith when faced with such hard times. Thank you so much for that- as someone who has wavered in faith, you have all been an inspiration to me and my family. We pray for all of you regularly. And will continue to do so. Again, thanks for everything. And today, I am so appreciating this intimate look into such a special day. My heart is simply broken for Courtney, just as it was when Bella passed. The one comfort is that I know Bella was there to welcome Tripp, show him around, and lead him to the biggest, coolest drum set he ever saw.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for a real glimpse of the day. I imagine there are thousands of blog followers like me who felt like they should be there, and so WANTED to be there and simply couldn't. Like so many have said, I DO feel like I know all of you and your families. I found Jonah when he was born through the friend of a friend, as I am originally from the same area he lives in, and have been drawn in to all your lives. Y'all are the only blogs I follow (except for The Pioneer Woman, chef extrordinaire), and I follow the ups and downs of your family, the Edlings, the Williams', and the Roths. Also now following Quinn, and praying that she does well. What I find so special about all of these families is that you are ALL strong Christians. All of you speak so strongly and clearly to your faith, and the witness that all of you provide is inspirational to so many. Thank you for putting it out there for all to see. It does more than any of you know. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteDear Tim ,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing...everything. I feel so grateful that you EB parents are such wonderful people and support each other through good and bad times. It must give so much strength and comfort to have people who knows exactly what it is all about to be there for you in times with lots of grief and sadness. I admire you all deeply and take great comfort in that you all comfort each other and travel from everywhere to "carry" each other when someone is in need. You all make me humble!
Alexandra in Australia
Thank you so much for sharing. Through your blog and Patrice's - and others I'm sure - those of us out here in cyberland got to participate a little bit in saying goodbye to Tripp.
ReplyDeleteAnd you're right, you never forget the image of a small casket. Mary Beth Chapman, when choosing a casket for her little daughter Maria, could not even go into the room where the caskets were kept. Because "they shouldn't make caskets that small." It doesn't matter who you are, it stays with you.
Sounds like a sad but wonderful day. I know what you mean by the tiny coffin, when i went to my little friend Joshuas (he had rdeb) funeral i was in tears seeing the tiny white coffin. :(
ReplyDeleteFirst off I want to say how beautiful your sweet Bella was. Of course now she is a beautiful angel in Heaven, dancing and playing with all the other precious butterfly angels including Tripp now. I am just now becoming aware of EB and have never felt this intensity to advocate and support finding a cure for anything else. Tripp and Bella's stories are the first that I have read and they leave me breathless and heartbroken and angry and finally determined to do all I can to end this disease. I will always have Bella in my heart now. Thank you for sharing her story, her strength, her bravery and courage, and her beauty with the world.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. This is beautiful
ReplyDeleteThank you, Tim, for posting. I know it meant the world to Courtney to have you, Patrrice and Christy at Tripp's funeral. She needs to see from you, that she can journey through this dark time and will make it. I know you were a blessing for Courtney.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Tim, for posting. I know it meant the world to Courtney to have you, Patrrice and Christy at Tripp's funeral. She needs to see from you, that she can journey through this dark time and will make it. I know you were a blessing for Courtney.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. These are my hometown people and church, so my heart is really touched by this tribute.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing what I'm sure had to be an incredibly difficult time.. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteThank you Tim for sharing with us this day, Sorry you are so very tired and falling asleep while writting, but we have been glued to the computer waiting to hear all about it :)so GRACIAS! Is nice to hear that so many people was there to support Courtney and her family
ReplyDeleteLove, Maria McGovern
It sounds wonderful and sad all in the same experience.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you were able to go...
Those collages of Tripp just break my heart.
(and that picture of Bella takes my breath away)