Courtesy of the amazing Sara Cooper...
Well, it's official. Ali and I are in the Guinness Book of World Records. Today, we participated in the world's largest swim lesson! No joke! We joined over 25,000 swimmers in 16 countries for a world-wide simultaneous swim lesson! CLICK HERE for more info. Since I'm sure you're really dying to know, so I'll tell you...
... yup, it feels really cool to be a world record holder. LOL
There were some cool moments, like teaching Ali next to 1984 Olympic silver medalist John Mykkanen, and having 4 time gold medalist Janet Evans giving us tips on floating. However, when 7-time medalist Jason Lezak walked in... that guy is like a thoroughbred horse... he's HUGE! THAT was cool. Totally down to earth, too. Anyway, it was a lot of fun to be a part of something so fun, and the owner of Ali's swim school, Johnny Johnson, is just about the sweetest man you'll ever meet. There were 2 and 3 generations of families there in the water today, a testament to the family atmosphere that Blue Buoy Swim School permeates in everything they do.

That's me and Ali next to John Mykkanen...

Janet Evans holding the official clock...

Jason Lezak dwarfing Johnny Johnson... love you, Johnny!
(These three pics courtesy of the Blue Buoy Fan Page on Facebook...)
CLICK HERE to see the most inspirational photo of Johnny and his granddaughter, Emma in the pool together. EVER TIME I make eye contact with Ali underwater (albeit through goggles) I think of Johnny and the bond in this picture. It has completely turned me into a swim daddy. I didn't have a pool growing up, and didn't spend too much time in them or at the beach. We've had a pool at our complex since we moved in pre-Ali, but something about the past two years living with then losing Bella has taught me not to take this amazing opportunity for granted. Also, Ali missed out on the pool for two consecutive summers - immediately after Bella was born, then last summer because we were in MN, so BOOM, she's 5, and really needed some serious water safety catching up to do.

Courtesy of Sara Cooper... the rock star world record holder...
It is HARD going to lessons with her, since Bella used to come with us last spring, and every time I am at the school, I just feel Bella's absence so strongly. However, Ali is STILL HERE and needs her daddy and needs to be safe in the water, so I deal with the pain each time I'm there... what else am I gonna do? I call a friend when it hurts and talk about my feelings and move on. I was avoiding going back for too long at Ali's expense, frankly. So this is one of those times I just gotta deal with it as it comes. I saw one of the moms I used to hang with during Ali's lessons last spring today, but I just couldn't go up and say hi. I just didn't feel like having 'the conversation,' so I opted not to. No biggie. We're there, and that's what's important. I don't have to be Social-Guy ALL the time! LOL.
In other news, if there are any blog followers who are big golf fans, I'm teeing it up for Ronald McDonald House Minneapolis in just under two weeks at the TPC in Minneapolis! I'm really excited to play the course, support our home away from home last year, and spend the day with my buddy Spence! We're gonna have a blast! If you would like to contribute, I would greatly appreciate any support. I have a $300 pledge to meet and I'm only at $75 so far! Here's the link to contribute and thank you for your support!
Last plug of the night: if you live in OC, Beach Pit BBQ in Old Towne Orange is doing a whole flyer week for us RIGHT NOW! I've done a horrible job promoting our flyer nights on the blog - mostly because so many readers and commenters aren't from OC - but that's no excuse. I think it's because we have been on a never-ending fundraising marathon for what feels like forever, and honestly, I'm tired of asking for money. Just writing the above paragraph about golf was like, "I gotta tell people about this, but, ucchhh, I feel like such a broken record right now!" Thank you all for enduring my non-stop pleas for money. Sometimes, I'm really fired up about raising money, and others, I'm just sick of reading my own words. Thanks for supporting me through it all. I really appreciate it. I really, really appreciate it.
God night.
Hi Tim: I just really, really, really appreciate all you do to find the cure for this Awful, awful disease. God Bless You for all you do.
ReplyDeleteYou, Ang and Ali are always in my prayers.
It is just so cool that Angelique and Meghann are due around the same time, with EB free babies, who can ask for more. Love you guys. Love and Hugs Leah's Nana
Well Tim, you're on a mission regarding fundraising. No apologies needed.
ReplyDeleteAs far as blog readers not being from OC, you know it. Just post it. Even if you got one positive response because of that post.....snowflakes, ya know?
Anyway, you're fine And shoot, not approaching the mom at swim lessons. Do what ya gotta do. No point in seeking her out. If you're approached that's one thing, but you weren't; therefore, you could handle the situation the best way for you at the moment.
Live in the moment!
Regards to you Angelique and Ali,
ReplyDeleteThe swim event was on the front page of the local section of the newspaper this morning. Tell Ali I cut it out for her and will give it to her tomorrow at dinner.
Grandma Carolyn
Thanks for the flyer info!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! AND keep on asking. You are doing a wonderful thing in continuing in this fight to cure EB. You ask any ole time you need to!