Santa was spotted over the 405 tonight on his way to Huntington Beach, CA to deliver a couple of miss Ali Ringgold's Christmas gifts since she will be in Colorado for Christmas.
Seems it's easier for Santa to have toys in his luggage than it is for mere mortals...
We had to send him an email explaining the situation. He was very accommodating.
Despite Noah's flood happening all around us, we had a wonderful dinner with Ang's family this evening. Grandma, Grandpa, Ang's brother Steve, his wife Dina, and their kids Wilson (2 and 8 mos) and Molly (8 mos) were all in attendance. I really need to run or workout tomorrow not just because I've been lagging on the prep work for skiing on Thursday, but so I can fit into my pants! We had an AWESOME dinner and desserts... honey baked ham, mashed regular AND sweet potatoes, apple sauce, green bean casserole (resembled a Minnesota HOT DISH!) homemade bread, salad... YUM! I brought my guitar and we sang some Christmas carols as well, then tore into the gifts! The kids SCORED with all sorts of fun things. Ali got TONS of coloring supplies. That girl simply NEEDS to color, much in the same way I need to play music, so we constantly need raw materials around for her to chew through in order to satiate her creative thirst.
The real highlight of the night for me was little Molly. I missed much of Molly's life so far being up in MN. I met her as a newborn, then saw her when we returned in November, but I couldn't really 'see' her yet. It was too tough. However, after working with Cristo last weekend, this past week has been absolutely transformative. Tonight, as soon as I saw Molly, I naturally connected with her and noticed this absolutely beautiful baby girl! I noticed myself completely connecting and playing with her throughout the entire night. There was no pain, no grief, nothing between me and totally loving on her! I didn't even try... it just happened all by itself. What a nice Christmas treat. She is so precious, and I am so grateful to be her Uncle Timmy. Goooood stuff.
Yesterday, one of our blog readers emailed me about a gentleman philanthropist in South Dakota that she felt would be suitable to contact about donating to PUCK, but didn't feel suited to contact him directly. Her email got my mind going... perhaps there are people you (the person reading this) know who might be a good fit for PUCK and the research at the U. They might be alumni of the U, they might be involved in charities that involve children's diseases, who knows. Many of us are good connectors; we know how to match people with common interests or ambitions together. If you are one of these people, and you think there is someone who might resonate with Bella and PUCK's story, but you don't know how to approach them about it... if you want to or feel comfortable with it... let us know who they are, and if you know them personally, perhaps you can introduce us over email and we will begin the process of building a relationship with them. If you don't know them personally, just let us know about them and we will do the rest. I am learning all about the protocol of development from a true master, so I feel like I will have the requisite understanding in the near future since this is so important to me. Please email any prospects to timothy@puckfund.org, or timothy@thedivineplanet.com.

I can't remember if I shared this quote that came through me a few weeks ago when Ang and I were brainstorming on our new company:
"Wouldn't it be a shame if Mozart, Shakespeare, or Einstein never bothered to share their world with us because "plenty of others" were already doing "it," whatever it was?
Don't worry. You are not the first and you won't be the last to share themselves with the world.
BUT, you are the ONLY ONE who can share YOUR self, your unique ability, your unique experience, your unique perspective.
So share it already!"
God night.
Hi Tim, Ang and Ali:
ReplyDeleteStill here and checking in everyday. Hope you have a great time skiing...it is coming so fast. Tim, just wanted to tell you I am sorry that your Arsenal has to meet up against the all great Barça in the next round of the Champions League (LOL, can you tell which side I´m on?) Really have a great vacation and Christmas and I am thinking about you all.
Love, Jeni (Madrid)
Can't believe I am still up this late/early. I was taking advantage of everyone in the house being asleep so that I could get some much needed cleaning done and I thought that I would just check on you and see if you had written yet. I'm so glad I had something wonderful to read before I went to bed.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to hear what a great night you all had tonight. Your niece Molly is such a doll! So adorable. I am so glad that you were able to be with her tonight and just love on her like an uncle should without the pain. That is awesome!!
I'm happy to hear that Santa was able to stop by tonight and drop Ali her presents. How nice of him to do that for her knowing that she was going to be out of town on Christmas. She must have been a real good girl this year!! :0)
I love all the pictures tonight. The picture of Bella with her hippo is great!! Such a great smile.
Lots of Love,
Amber, Craig, Malorie, and Liam
The McLaughlin Family, CA
Each day you continue to bless my life with your words! Thank you and Merry Christmas! If you need some more midwest "hotdish" ideas we can send them your way :)
North Dakota
I've been thinking lately that maybe there aren't that many comments anymore because regular readers who suffered Bella's loss are slowly going back to a "new normal"...that's what's happening to me anyway. I still read your blog everyday, but somehow don't feel the urge to comment anymore... I rembember Bella everyday when i come here, and am thankful like always, but the "effect" is sort of fading away. I feel sad about this. How could this be overcome, what do you think?
ReplyDeleteI just thought i'd share this feeling.
love and hugs
PS. I am doing something that i always thought about, but only NOW am ready to do: i'm starting to get aquainted with a group of older women in my town who organize envents and stuff to help people in need in our own town (mostly immigrants from south america who feel alone and lost here). I will volunteer twice a week to sort clothes and toys to give away. It's because of BELLA, and i am so proud of her and myself! ;-)
Geez....that second picture looks like you have a preteen next to you. Crazy.
ReplyDeleteGotta love Santa for early deliveries. Molly dumped her beloved Buzz Lightyear in the bath, and now he doesn't talk. Good thing Santa is bringing a new one..maybe he should come early as well.
Love all the family Love in these pictures ....its tangible. Love it all. Have a fantastic trip.....
Hey, sweet family...
ReplyDeleteA house filled with dogs, a bird, cute kids, cupcake hats, lots of love, AND green bean casserole???? Sounds perfectly divine to me. So glad you all were able to enjoy youselves last night. Wishing you more peace and joy as the holidays continue.
With affection-
A friend in NC
Loving the pic of Bella and her dinosaur, thanks for sharing her beautiful smile. It's because of BELLA that my Christmas is joyous and I am present(no pun intended)this year (: I used to get total anxiety following Thanksgiving, knowing that December would quickly be approaching. This year it's like I couldn't wait until the 1st got here. My husband and mom have both commented on how I am so different this year. I had a deep conversation with my mother over the weekend and I shared with her why my attitude has changed. It is becuase of you and your family, because of your bravery and openess of sharing Bella's journey, that is what changed my sense of thinking. I am trying to apply some of what you have shared to my sense of thinking. And well, I guess it is working, because those closest to me see a change. Wow Bella, I am sure my Dad is thanking you. And so I'm I. Thank you sweet Bella! So glad to hear you all had a great family gethering and that Santa made a special stop for Ali. Hoping that you have a safe trip to Colorado, and that there's tons of snow waiting for your arrival.
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays!
Peace & Love,
The Davidson's
Glad you had a nice early Christmas with Ang's family. We hear that it is snowing like mad in CO!
ReplyDeleteHave a very safe trip and enjoy your family and the wonderful skiing.
Love all the pictures - like always. Bella with that sweet little smile!
Ah! Sounds like your gift of being able to enjoy Molly was a "Bella Blessing!"
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays to your precious family.
I have been meaning to check in. It seems when I get the chance someone else is on the computer and then the opportunity is gone. I caught the special on EB on TLC. I had to stop within minutes of starting it. The tears started to flow quickly as I imagined Bella. It gave me a clear picture of what it had to like for her...or should I say something to compare what it was like for her.
ReplyDeleteDuring this falls harvest of corn there was an over abundance. We are talking millions of bushels of corn. They had no place to put it so they put it in a parking lot down the street. Think mini mountain range....it was a crazy sight to see. Whenever we go by it now as they are moving it out I always think of your mission to raise the money to cure EB. Removing the corn has been a very slow process yet they keep at it everyday and the pile gets smaller and smaller. I think of you reaching for your goal and the amount you need gets smaller and smaller. Hopefully your journey is a quick one. I bet you never thought your "mission" would be compared to a pile of corn. ;)
I am so glad Santa was able to make an early stop for Ali. :)
Have a fun and safe trip.
Sending my love to all and sweet kisses to Ali. BTW Your package made it in the mail today...let me know that you get it. :)
Denise WI