Man, what a day! I got to watch my Arsenal in the final minute of the Carling Cup give up what could be the worst blunder since Bill Buckner's error in the 1986 world series and lose. Great start. Then, I spent the rest of the day stripping varnish. Even better! My body was so sore from the 11 hours logged in yesterday that I pooped out after 6 hours today. I am not a fan of stripping varnish. Yuk. You either have to sand it or chemically peel it. Sanding it would not be good for the rest of the house so the chemical peel seemed like the least worst option. Good times!
After making the above pictured scones, Angelique and Ali spent the day shopping for groceries and other fabulous home improvements so as to avoid the fumes. So, I caught up with my iPod. I'm listening to 'The Law of Success' by Napoleon Hill for probably the third time now. It is great to listen to on many fronts, but one in particular is how language evolves over time. The book was published in 1925, and boy, our language has definitely evolved since then. Many of the same success principles discussed last weekend at the 3 day intensive I attended come right from this textbook. It is a daunting read; I first purchased the paper book, but it would be a tall order for any student in any upper division class to read it in one semester, so I purchased the audio version as well, and that has worked much better for me. www.audible.com has a great membership service where for $14.95 a month, you get 1 credit toward any book in their library. What's great is that it doesn't matter how many hours the audio is, it's still just one credit. GREAT for the car. I stopped listening to commercial radio and talk radio for good, and now just either listen to the occasional music CD, or audiobook, or, quite often, silence.
This week coming up I will spend 3 days in San Diego building a new internet marketing campaign to help replace the income I've lost over the past two years. I am really behind on my student loan and SEP IRA. I can't wait to start getting current on both of those again. My challenge is that I feel too spread out between too many projects. This is nothing new. I do this to myself all the time. Let me ask you, what do you think I should lead with?
1) a course on how to overcome challenges as a parent and spouse
2) my coaching program
3) my "Start Out Successful" Program for new grads starting their own business in a helping industry
The last one I don't think I've shared much about, as it is outside the scope of this blog. I lead training at all the music therapy conferences on the business aspects of owning your own business as we don't get much training in this arena in our music therapy degree. I have designed different modules that when put together, create a 12-month home study program to help new professionals put in place the fundamentals of a successful business.
Anyhow, I'm curious to hear your thoughts. You all know me pretty well by now!
God night.
Hi Tim!
ReplyDeleteDelurking just to say that you all continue in my thoughts and prayers. And all your choices and enterprises are a truly inspiration for me. Debra Portugal is benefiting a lot of the coaching I am receiving through this blog! THANK YOU for continuing sharing your journey!
Concerning your question, all three options sounds like something you would successfully implement, specially the second one that you have already lots of experience. I would go for the coaching program, but keeping the other two on my mind for a latter implementation.
Lots of success, whatever is your choice!
Carla, from Portugal
# 1 would be a huge success...2 & 3 I'm sure would be great as well!
ReplyDeleteMy question would be where do you feel God is leading you?
Please pass the scones! Hugs, Donna/NJ
Those scones look yummy!! Hope you're less sore today - ibuprofen in abundance!! :)
ReplyDeleteI think you'd be great at all 3 - as a parent and spouse, I know I'd benefit from #1! But from your posts, it really seems to me that you have a gift and a passion for coaching, so that's what I suggest you start with.
...and maybe you can do a side business of varnish stripping! Just kidding! :)
Have a great day!
Love from TX,
Laura (for Team A)
I agree with the comments above...I think you'd be fantastic at all 3; however, I think coaching would be a great start! You are definitely a motivator and you see the 'bigger' picture...I believe 100% that you will be great at motivating people and holding them accountable :)
ReplyDeletethose scones would be soo delish with my coffee I'm drinking right now, as I'm typing this! haha
have a great day!!!
C O A C H I N G ! ! ! !
Does it have to be one??
ReplyDeleteMy first instinct was number 1...but, would it be specifically with/for parents of kids with special needs?
My second instinct was #2, because, well, you are brillant at it (not that you aren't brillant at #1!)...but that maybe there is a bigger audience?
My friend saw Ang and Ali at Target, but was too chicken to say anything...they are like celebrities!
I think #2 #1 requires q lifetime of experience.Good luck whichever way you go.
ReplyDeleteDarn...! I was really hoping for a seminar on installing kitchen faucets...you know, for the everyday non diy... I've had two installed by non plumbers...and six months later something"s gone wrong with both of them...I guess that's why plumbers get the big bucks!
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness though, I would love to be a client in your life coaching business, so selfishly, that would be my choice for you. Someone once said that you have done more in January than most people do in a year...you may think that's just the overextending that you have to keep a leash on. But Tim, no one could ever accuse you of not living your life...you seem to seize every opportunity.
More of us could benefit by learning the seemingly fearless way you reach for new experiences...blessings on whatever road you choose!